It's nice to meet you, neighbor.

My Story
I'm a native Idahoan with a passion for our state's history. I grew up on a ranch along the Blackfoot River in Eastern Idaho. My great-grandparents came here in 1863, a few weeks after Idaho Territory was formed, and the Justs have been here ever since. After serving in the Marine Corps and getting an education at BSU, I went on to work for the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, our state parks agency. In my 30 years of public leadership, I formed solid relationships and a deep understanding of our state government and with federal land management partners.
I’ve seen in recent years in the Idaho Legislature an inherent lack of balance and consideration. As a writer who has published several books about Idaho, I look back to times when elected officials put Idaho and its citizens above party politics. We need to get back to that level of respect and cooperation so we can focus on the actual issues that unite Idahoans.
Why I'm Running for Re-election
If we want to protect our quality of life, we have to invest in a top-notch PUBLIC education for all Idaho students, regardless of where they live, so they can compete for the jobs of tomorrow. A better-educated workforce combined with our terrific natural resources will attract companies that bring higher-paying jobs with them.
I'm concerned about Idaho's water supply and am working to find ways to conserve it. We are losing prime agricultural land at an alarming rate, and I am seeking ways to protect family farms and ranches from development.
Finding solutions to growth and transportation in the valley is more important for our future than ever. Our state government needs to help us invest in our future or get out of the way of local government.
We need affordable housing and living wages so our families have the resources they need to lead a decent life together.
Idaho women face disrespect from radical politicians who value women's lives and bodily autonomy less than they value the support of a minority of voters.